Friday, June 28, 2013

Through the Eyes of a Student

Last Friday turned into friendship bracelet making day. The nurses that I share the same working space with have been quite bored and looking for things to do. I remembered that I had brought some string from home and taught them how to make friendship bracelets. Well that turned into all the student teachers wanting to make them, and I even let one of my students Lucky make one as part of her therapy time (For the record, I can justify that as a fine motor activity!)
The bracelets Lucky made for herself and her friend Sumaya
Teddy working on her bracelet! i was so impressed that she could do it basically without the use of one hand!
Well all of this led to Lucky spending most of her day in the sick bay (the building I share with the nurses) and with Lucky "borrowing" my camera. This was the result.....
Sumaya and I 
Nurse Joanne ironing her clothes and our collection of walkers in the background
I thought this picture was funny simply because the shoes being there indicate when the nurse is around. The two nurses live in this room in the sick bay and sometimes it is hard to know if they are around... so we always look for their shoes outside their door
If I stick around the sick bay long enough after school, it becomes the local hang out - with Desire
Auntie Aisha (boys house mother) and Ayati
One of the girls dormitories. They sleep 18 students to one house mother
I also found this picture funny. This is the nurses medicine cabinet, but it is also my storage for my keys, water bottle,  phone, coffee, and hand sanitizer every day.
Every afternoon some of the older students sort beans for the next day's meals
The dining hall (the other hang out after school because there is a TV)
Another view of the dining hall and Kato
Bless working on a mat. Bless always needs to be busy making something (which he does well) or else he is getting into trouble
Some of the students dishes... each student is responsible for their own dish each meal, and they  each know which one is theirs (I have absolutely no idea how!) 
I hope you all enjoyed a few pictures that I normally would not have taken and that maybe it gave you a little better picture of our school. I apologize that there is not a picture of Lucky... while she likes to take my camera, she hates to have her photo taken.

A few other pictures for you
Clare and I ventured to Katalemwa to order some knee and ankle braces for her and to pick up a wheelchair for  Kato that was being repaired. The people at Katalemwa know me far too well now. If we buy any equipment or assistive devices it usually comes from there,

HAWKS WIN THE STANLEY CUP! I watched the 3rd period of the game and the celebrations after via skype with my parents!

As always, thank you so much for your love and support! And for those of you wondering I will officially be back in Illinois on Sept 10th!

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