Sunday, June 16, 2013

A Very Hairy Weekend

Alright.. any guesses what this post is about..............????????

Well... here is a BIG hint!

Yes... that is right you guessed correctly, I got my hair braided.... and all of that fake hair (except one package) is now attached to my head! Here are a few pictures... don't make too much fun of me!
Getting my hair braided my Auntie Rose - Margret and her son Matthew came to visit me!
Hair Down
Hair braided.... yes that is a HUGE braid!
It doesn't look too bad when pulled back
We are hair triplets! Christine, Desire and I all have braids!

The house mothers and the teachers at the school have really been encouraging me to get my hair done, and I would have never imagined how great of a ministry opportunity it became. It took over 10 hours, so I had lots of time to talk with the house mother that did my hair about her life, her faith, and the children in her dorm. It was a great time to be able to share our struggles with some of the children, and to try to encourage her to pray for patience and love for each and every child! Also, everyone here feels as if I am now a true African!!! I think it has really encouraged everyone here... even the kids. Some of the kids that are non-verbal will point to my hair and give me a big thumbs up :)

Other Things that Happened Last Week Week:

Guitar Lessons
One of the nurses pulled me aside last week and asked if I could come play the guitar for them. I quickly informed her that I had absolutely no idea how to play the guitar. She was quite disappointed as she had taken the guitar from the headmaster of the school by assuring him that I knew how to play. I told her that after school we would try to teach ourselves off of the internet.  Well, we tried to learn the chords G, A, and D somewhat successfully... We laughed so hard as we tried. We did learn that you can play "Old McDonald" with just those three chords, and the kids laughed hysterically! If anyone would like to teach us how to play guitar over Skype.... or if you could help tune a guitar over Skype, please let me know :)
Musau (nurse) Josephine practicing her guitar skills - with Komba watching and laughing hysterically
Two Two-Year-Olds
One day this week these two little sweeties followed me home and wanted to come in and play. Lets just say I prefer the one to one ratio of adults to small children! Our time ended with a ball stuck in the sticky trap for mice/cockroaches.... last week it was my foot... this week the ball... still nothing that it is intended to catch though!
How could I not love these two sweet faces! Jeremiah and Esther

Did you really think I would forget to mention the Blackhawks this week???
Sorry this post was so late this week.... what can you do when there is no internet :(  Thanks so much for your love and support!


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