Saturday, May 11, 2013

"The Big Five"

My dad has been here visiting this week, and we were able to go on safari with Trinity Tours and Travel .  We saw lots of hippos, Nile crocodiles, giraffes, jackals (NOT jack rabbit - I had some confusion), hyenas, 3 species of mongoose, 4 species of antelope (hartebeest, Ugandan kob, Waterbuck, and bushbuck),  rainbow lizards, and some others that I am forgetting! We even saw the "Big Five" in less than 24 hours!

The term "Big Five" is often used to describe the Big 5 animals to see in Africa. However, I just learned the other day, that the term was made by hunters. The term "Big Five" actually refers to the top 5 most difficult animals to hunt on foot based on the animals ferocity while hunting!

So what are the Big Five....???

Cape Buffalo





The breakdown of the week with my Dad:
Sunday: We headed over to Kireka Home where I work to visit the head teacher for lunch. We shared a wonderful Ugandan meal with her and her family. We then just rested back at Matoke Inn (the AIM guest house in Kampala) since we had not gotten much sleep with Dad arriving at 3am!
Dad with Teacher Annette and Teacher Dan
At lunch with Christine and Teacher Annette

Monday: We headed off early for Murchison Falls National Park. On the way, we stopped at Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary. Poaching is a very serious problem in Africa, and the rhinos in Uganda were almost extinct. They made this sanctuary to restore the population, and they now have 14 rhinos in Uganda. We were able to trek the rhinos on foot. However, this is only after you receive warnings about what to do if a rhino charges at you!!! After reaching the Murchison Falls, we went for a night game drive. This is where we saw the lion and THREE leopards! Leopards are very difficult to spot and it is even more rare to see so many together. We were quite blessed!
Just wanted you all to see how ridiculous I looked in my plaid shorts and gum boots :)
Enough said
The story behind the rhino named Obama
Photographing the Rhinos (PT friends ignore my horrible posture)

Tuesday: We went for an early morning game drive and spotted hyenas chasing down a herd of Ugandan kobs. We also extended our drive a little bit and saw quite a few herds of elephants. Later that day we took a boat ride down the Nile to visit Murchison Falls. It is the most powerful falls in the world and now I understand why!
Murchison Falls on the Nile River
I think this picture of the giraffes was one of my Dad's favorites
Some beautiful elephants on the bank of the Nile

Wednesday: We took a drive up to the top of Murchison Falls and then headed back to Kampala. The falls was absolutely beautiful! We had a wonderful time on our 3 day safari! If you are ever looking to go on safari in East Africa you should look into Trinity Tours and Travel . The owner Prince is a friend of AIM and has become a friend of mine during my time here. 
View from the top of Murchison Falls
Prince our faithful leader at the top of the falls
Dad and I at the top of Murchison falls

Thursday: We headed to the craft market today and my dad had his first boda boda ride! Later that night we headed to the Stough's house for dinner. It was wonderful to introduce my dad to them and to hear Bill's stories. Bill and Ruth are now retired, but lived in Congo for about 40 years!
Dad's first boda boda ride!
At the Stoughs: (L to R) Ruth, Bill, 2 pastors visiting them from DRC, Dad, Me
Friday: We headed over to the school to do some PT with a few of the kids. It was fun to be able to show my dad what I do and for him to meet some of my kids. We also ate lunch with my friend Margret at her store. Her and her neighbor Prossey cooked a lovely Ugandan meal for us. We also met up with Andrew Sisson's fiance Phiona which was nice!
With Margret at her store
Saturday: We helped Francis and Adrienne from Fathers Heart Mobility distribute 15 wheelchairs. It was so much fun to work along side my dad! I made him be my wheelchair mechanic and taught him to adjust wheelchairs as necessary.

Can you believe this little guy in the wheelchair is 12 years old!??
So I apologize that there are not more pictures..... I started my blog really late, and am struggling to get pictures to upload. Check back next week and I will hopefully have added a few more photos!!!

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