Friday, February 8, 2013

The Kids Are Back!..... Well Half...

It always amazes me that after nearly 5 months in Uganda, I am sometimes still shocked by cultural differences. Example, when I order something that sounds American at a restaurant, I should no longer be shocked that it isn't what I thought it would be. The same should apply to all things in life... but I often forget. Scratch that... every day I forget. I learned yesterday that Ugandans think it is extremely rude to blow on your food when you think it is hot. Do you do that? I didn't think I did until I started to pay attention... I do it ALL THE TIME!

So how was I shocked this week.... well school was suppose to start on Monday, so I assumed that the kids would come back last weekend and school would start Monday. I learned that the kids wouldn't come until Monday, so I then assumed school would start Tuesday. Well, only 12 kids came Monday and it is now Thursday night that I am writing this and less than half of the kids have returned so far. I should really learn to NEVER assume anything!!!

After all of that, it has really been a blessed week. I had mentally prepared myself that some of the kids might not remember me as their friend, but instead ass the white person that was at their school. I was blown away, they all remembered me, they all remembered I was their friend, and they all remembered my name!!!!!!!! It has been such a sweet sweet week greeting each of the kids as they have come. Here are some pictures for you and some stories from this week.

My mom brought out pictures that I ordered from Walgreens, and I cannot even tell you how much joy this has given the kids! Ethero (pictured) below has come in every day to look at his picture, and he has brought each of his friends that have arrived into see the pictures. One of them squealed with delight when he saw a picture of his friend that he hasn't seen in 2 months. It is so much fun, even the parents have been super excited to see pictures of their kids. Most families have just a handful (if that) of pictures of their kids, so seeing photos is a special treat.
Thanks for the new puzzles Mom! The kids L.O.V.E them!!! This is Ethero.
Sunna - For those of you who have read "Kisses from Katie" this boy came back with jiggers in his feet - they do exist!
Sunna playing the new "Flippin Frogs" game from my Aunt Beth. The kids love it! Thank you!
So this picture of Suzan is a little blurry but I just love love love this girl! She was one I wasn't sure would remember me, and before I even saw who she was I felt these two little arms wrapped tightly around my waist. She hardly left my side all day. If she came up to me and I was standing, she would give me a big hug; if I was sitting she would just lay her head across my lap. So so sweet!!!
Here is Suzan again. Most doors have this little window in them so they can be locked. It also acts as a peek hole into the therapy room.
Ojara was dressed very "smartly" so I decided we had to take a photo. It is so fun to see the kids outside of their school uniforms.
I was super excited to get this puzzle for Kato to do. It has large knobs pieces so he can grab them. He loved it. Also told me I looked beautiful, and has been smiling at me all week. I think he might have a little 16 year old crush..... oh no!!!!
Sharot - I will have to tell you more about her in a future post. She is one that will not leave my side..... literally my side :) I am use to always having my hand held, but trying to get use to having zero personal space again! If I go home she will stand and look in my windows, and if I am working with someone in the therapy room she will stand outside and watch the whole time through the window. She is very sweet.

Clare- Clare was one that called me muzungu (white person) the longest.. and she had just learned my name before she left. I was so surprised when I heard her yelling my name as she came to find me this week!
My neighbor Christine blowing bubbles for the teachers' kids
More Bubbles
The teachers children posing. From left to right: Ronald, Jonathan, Desire, Christine, Esther, Jeremiah, and Emily
How can you not love this face!!!!! This is Shafik! He is officially the newest student at Kireka Home. He and I have quickly become friends.
Shafik was driving the walker around the therapy room pretending it was a car... super cute.
Story 1 from this week: See how large my porch is... See how wet it is to my door.... I had to stay home for an hour today to defend my house from a flood! Last time it rained this hard with the rain blowing the same direction I came home to my house completely flooded. So... I stayed home to defend!!!

Story 2: Whelp.... I caught my first mouse... except it wasn't in a mouse trap. On Monday, I had taken out my trash and left the lid off of my garbage can (that I keep in my kitchen - which is outside - for this specific reason). I had to get something out of the kitchen about an hour later and heard this thump... thump... thump. yep he had gone in and couldn't get back out. Thankfully my good friend Christine had some hot water and... well she killed him for me. It's so funny because they make you so angry when they eat your food, poop in your bed, and poop everywhere for that matter and yet they are so super cute!!!! Oh and as a side note in that rain storm today it soaked the entire PT room/nurses station and soaked the sick bed in there.. so I began to pull off wet blankets... apparently my bed is not the only one they like to sleep in. Ick!!!

Overall it was a really great week. I am so thankful that God has called me here for this time. Thank you all so much for your prayers, love, and support

"Praise the Lord, Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, his love endures forever" - Psalm 106:1


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