Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Gearing up for Christmas & more Rugby

First of all, thank you so much for your prayers! It appears that the termites have finally died after being sprayed with "DOOM" numerous times. And I believe the mouse has left me! So thankful!!!!

So my Friday blog posts might just be at all different times of the week until school is back in session. I am heading to Jinja today to spend some time at Good Shephard's Fold orphanage, and will have limited access to internet. So you all will hear about that experience next Friday!

So last Friday we had rugby practice and then Saturday the students participated with 19 other schools in a tournament at the rugby stadium. There is an organization called TAG Trust Rugby that puts on this tournament and many other events throughout the year. Apparently some of the players now on the Uganda National Team started off playing in this league. The kids had so much fun, and no one got hurt! (yes that is the athletic trainer in me... super thankful!)
Getting ready to go to the tournament and Joanne decided to wear my "goggles"

Popsicles between games
Team meeting before our last game
So this is how the meat comes to the rugby games... in a garbage can on the back of the boda boda and then it is hung for weight and purchased right there!!!
Kato running with the ball
Kireka Champions team photo
So December in Uganda is obviously night and day different from home. One) I never realized how much I associated the weather with Christmas. To me it just isn't Christmas unless you need to have your heat turned on and your winter coat out! Two) back home we celebrate Christmas and eat lots of sweets all month long! Here, Christmas is mainly just December 25th. Although, they do have a Santa at one of the malls! And  some stores have what I will put as "mild" Christmas decorations up. So, I have tried to get the kids at the school excited for Christmas to come. This week in therapy I made Christmas trees with the kids and then had the neighborhood kids over to make them too. We also made a countdown til Jesus' birthday. And today, I am hoping to read the Christmas story to them, as I dont think many really get the real meaning of Christmas. I hate to say it, but Christmas is just so different with out the "hustle and the bustle" like at home!

Coloring the links to our countdown chain
Our countdown to Jesus' Birthday

Emilly, Ronald, and Christine decorating their Christmas trees

Our Christmas tree made out of Christmas trees
Sorry for the short post, more next week!